
Include These 4 in Your Diet to Combat Hair Fall

If you have started noticing your hair strands falling more frequently than ever, it could be the beginning of premature hair loss. Although it is not directly linked with age, it may happen to people in their 30s or older, while in some cases, it can also occur in their teens or twenties.

Excessive hair fall can be managed by addressing its root causes. The common causes are incorrect hair care practices, hormonal imbalances, and nutrient deficiency. While there are no magic solutions, managing stress, regulating hormone levels, and incorporating hair-essential nutrients like vitamin D and biotin gummies for hair into your diet may slow down or stop rapid hair loss.

Read further to check if you are experiencing premature balding and how to manage it.

Signs to Keep an Eye On

You may experience hair fall differently on different regions of your scalp. This is why you need to check the entire scalp for signs of hair loss to address it. Here is what you may notice:

1. Thinning on Temples

You will start to notice less hair just above your ear and the sides of your forehead. This can also lead to some hair loss on the crown as well.

2. Receding Hairline

This can lead to the widening of your forehead as the hair on the front starts to thin. This can cause your hairline to take on an “M” shape as the hair on the temples begins to fall off faster.

3. Losing Hair on the Crown

People may also experience hair falling on just the crown or the parietal ridge, causing hair to thin in circular patterns in these areas while the rest of their hair stays in place.

4. Widening of Hair Parting

This specific hair fall widens the areas where people naturally part the hair. This could happen due to the wrong hair care techniques or pulling hair too hard while styling.

5. Thinning on Whole Head

This is a common occurrence when people lose their hair equally on all the areas of their scalp.

If your general nutritional deficiency is the root cause of your hair fall, you can manage it with the help of hair care supplements. Check out some of them in the next section.

4 Important Nutrients that Your Hair Needs

Here are some vital nutrients that may help nourish your hair:

1. Salmon Fish Oil

Salmon fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote new hair growth and nourish hair follicles. Its consumption strengthens hair and prevents breakage. You can get omega-3 fatty acids from dry fruits such as walnuts, almonds, and salmon fish oil capsules or tablets.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps hair follicles repair and regrow. Its deficiency can lead to rapid hair loss. As per a study, taking 200,000 IU of vitamin D3 helped regrow new hair in people with hair loss due to stress.

3. Iron

Iron is required to produce haemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to cells. If you have low iron levels, your hair follicles may not receive enough oxygen, which can hamper their nourishment and growth, resulting in poor hair health. You can add iron to your diet with kale, spinach, beetroot, and leafy greens. Make sure that you are taking sufficient vitamin C as well as it facilitates the absorption of iron.

4. Biotin

Biotin, or vitamin B7, has become a buzzword in hair care regimens. It makes a protein called keratin, which your hair strands are made of. You can add biotin to your diet by eating bananas, nuts, beef, salmon, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, etc.

To Sum Up

Hair fall can be stopped if you detect and fix its root cause. Along with a healthy diet, you can also consume essential hair growth supplements such as iron, biotin, vitamin D, and fish oil capsules. If nothing seems to work, seeking professional advice to prevent hair loss is best.

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